Welcome to EMPC 2021
13-16 September
Dear Microelectronics and packaging experts
In the present circumstances with the Covid 19 situation and with your best interests at heart, the organising committee has decided that EMPC2021 will be held ONLINE!
Having the conference online will increase availability for more participants. By not necessitating travel, the participants will save money, save time and reduce the impact on the environment.
The committee is dedicated to using this opportunity to make EMPC2021 a memorable conference.
- We will use the conference platform Trippus, which is based on Zoom, a program that is easy to use and most people are already acquainted with.
- We will organise break-out rooms that are accessible for mingling and networking during breaks and lunches.
For Speakers:
- To accommodate our speakers from North America and Asia, we will accept pre-recorded presentations. Questions to the presenter will be communicated by e-mail.
- Presentations will be recorded and made available to view for participants for two weeks after the conference.
For Exhibitors and Sponsors:
- A special platform will be made to accommodate our Exhibitors where attendants can book sessions for one-to-one talks.
- The Exhibitors will be very visible in the conference portal.
- Separate sessions will be organised where Exhibitors can present their products in a commercial fashion.
- The Committee is working on organising special technology outreach sessions where technology startups can present their ideas asking for technological solutions to accelerate their route to market.
Silver Sponsor
Conference Information
Program overview
View the program for the microelectronics packaging and interconnection technologies, providing top quality coverage of technological innovation in this field.
Information for Authors
Be a part of the cutting edge technology that is shaping the new dynamics of how processes are being refined.
Sponsor & Exhibit
Join the field leading the way into the future concepts of the industry and become identified within the progressive element driving forwards.
© Stendahls – Göteborg & Co